
“Publoom” – (the tiny sound a blossom makes just has it bursts into bloom) yup I made it up!

This award winning painting has two stories to go with it.

Publoom - The tiny sound a flower makes, at the first moments it pops to open.  Yes I made it up.

Publoom – The tiny sound a flower makes, at the first moments it pops to open. Yes I made it up.

​Story number 1 – It started off as a great idea gone wrong.  Off to the garbage it went, until my darling husband pulled it out of the garbage and asked “what’s wrong with this one?”  My reply was “everything.”  The salt exploded in areas I wasn’t expecting, the paint moved where is was supposed to stay put, etc. etc. It just wasn’t talking to the artist in me.  I kept it out of the garbage, only because I love my husband.  A few months later, I took another look at it and I knew what it was supposed to become.  Thanks honey, because of you I won the award!

Story number 2 – While on display at WSU, I was standing behind a gentleman who was analyzing this painting, and he said, “Her palm leaves are so perfect!”  At which point I smiled, then he said,  “It looks like she took a template to make all her palm leaves.”

​There went my smile….. I kept my mouth shut and thought WHAT?! I absolutely did not!! I spent a lot of time getting them to look perfect.

This was a great lesson for me to learn, “Perfect”  can look like a template.